Saturday, July 12, 2014

So Much Wonder

Jaye Meshi - Hail Messiah!!

Precious in His Sight
Waking up to Nepali children singing and shouting from the church down the hill. Seriously, could you ask for more motivation.  They were in the church  down the hill, half an hour before we even were supposed to teach.  As we followed a couple kids down, the singing echoed off the hills, drum beats echoed into our chests, and the passion in their voices snatched up our hearts.  To think God wanted me, of all  people, to escort His word to these precious children. It is just so humbling.  I could hear the children singing their hearts out to our almighty God, I looked up at the mountains that screamed how beautiful God's creation is, and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.  God literally puts the words in my mouth and I am so proud to be a vessel for His wonderful word.  Singing and playing with the kids is so much fun.  Though we don't speak in the same verbal language, we speak with our hands and play the same way.  They are so passionate about praising God and so grateful for everything.

It's hard to hike when I want to look up at all the scenery.  Nepal has to be the most beautiful place I've ever seen.  I love just sitting chatting with the other girls about what we've done and how we have interacted with the kids during the day.  I had been trying to befriend one little girl in particular, only about 3 or 4 years old, but was very shy and burst into tears when i gave her a customary greeting with my palms together in front of me smiling and saying, "Jaye Meshi."  Apparently she was not impressed with my poor Nepali foreign tongue.  However, later that day after the lesson I was heading out the door.  She ran up behind me and took my hand.  She wouldn't let go all the way up the hill until  another little girl grabbed her other hand to help her get food. 
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

I just can't help but smile everywhere we go, there is so much wonder in everything God has made and done for His creation.  I can't help but smile at people from our bus window, walking by people on the trails, or just seeing anyone.  Our God is so great, so strong and so mighty there is nothing our God cannot do! :) 

In His Great Love,


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